Judges from Masaka and Mbarara High Court Circuits applauded the Judiciary administration for the various initiatives it has put in place to promote healthy living amongst the staff of the Judiciary. This was during the health awareness camps held at Masaka and Mbarara High Court grounds on Thursday March 31, 2022 and Friday April 1,2022 respectively.
The camps whose emphasis was on the fight against HIV/AIDS and stigmatization in the Judiciary were held under the theme; "End Stigma, End Discrimination, My Responsibility."
Ms Maureen Kasande,the Under Secretary and Chairperson of the Judiciary HIV/AIDS Committee noted that the health camps are organized quarterly to sensitize, avail upgraded information and encourage staff to live a healthy life despite their status.
"HIV is Still a threat although, in a different way, the Government came up with the Presidential Initiative in 2017, to promote the fight against the virus and disease in the workplace. The Judiciary has not shifted its mandate from adjudication rather it is cognizant of the effect of HIV in the workplace," she said.
The Masaka Senior Resident Judge, Hon. Lady Justice Katamba Victoria Nakintu commended the Judiciary’s efforts in supporting the health of staff living positively with HIV. "I thank the administration of Judiciary for supporting their staff to steer through and navigate this adversity when it hits them," the Judge said.
Hon. Lady Justice Katamba, however, expressed the need for inclusivity on the HIV/AIDS Committee "I realized there’s no Judge on the committee, the committee should be representative both demographically, the young, the old and all other constituents of the Judiciary."
Relatedly, Hon. Justice Lawrence Tweyanze stressed the importance of empowering employees socially,economically, physically and psychologically, especially by educating vulnerable persons about HIV, investing in health, ensuring a work-life balance, eating well and exercising regularly. This, he said, is what the new Judiciary is doing for its staff by introducing initiatives like Health Insurance,weekly health runs and health camps.
On the other hand, Hon.Lady Justice Joyce Kavuma, Head of Mbarara High Court Circuit, highlighted the benefits of having healthy teams in a workplace as it contributes to productivity, boosts morale and creates a conducive environment free from stigmatization.
Adding, "the right to health is a fundamental right in our constitution. It’s through camps such as this that we’ll be able to achieve this right, I, therefore, encourage all of us to participate. It’s never too early or too late to work towards a healthy living."
Activities carried out during the camps included sensitization and dissemination of the Judiciary HIV/AIDS Workplace Policy, body-weight measurements, voluntary counseling,handing over HID/AIDS prevention items and screening diseases such as HIV/AIDS,Diabetes, Syphilis, Hepatitis B, and Blood Pressure. The Committee also conducted radio talk shows on Radio Buddu in Masaka and Radio West in Mbarara.
The Commissioner,Human Resource Management, Ms Apophia Tumwine elaborated on the main objective of the Judiciary HIV/AIDS Workplace Policy which she said is to provide an enabling framework for the management of HIV in the Judiciary. She reassured staff of her undertaking to uphold confidentiality when handling personnel files in the workplace.
On her part, the Director Partnership at Uganda AIDS Commission, Ms. Enid Wamani urged participants to join the fight against AIDS and its stigma. "Stigma and Discrimination is one of the key barriers in the fight against HIV/AIDS in this country," she said adding that "Stigma is a feeling or attitude that someone holds as less worthy leading to isolation in Society while discrimination is treating an individual differently because of the perception you have towards them."
According to Ms Enid,both districts have a high HIV prevalence rate at 13.7% for Mbarara and 11.7%for Masaka vis-a-vis the national prevalence rate that currently stands at5.5%. This, she said, calls for cautiousness from those living and working inthe region.
Dr Watiti Stephen, a leading Activist against the Stigmatization of People Living with HIV, also rallied the staff of the Judiciary to support the national goal to have zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination and zero AIDS-related deaths in Uganda.
While Dr John Omagino (Director Uganda Heart Institute) and Dr Elizabeth K Omagino (Ministry of Health) tipped the participants on the good practices for maintaining a healthy heart and other body organs.
These quarterly camps are organized by the Judiciary in partnership with the Ministry of Health,Uganda AIDS Commission and Uganda Cares who carry out the screening.
Notably present were members of the HIV/AIDS Committee; HW Nassuna Flavia Matovu, HW Festo Nsenga,HW Patricia Amoko, Ms Suzan Akello, Ms Dorcas Natukunda and Ms Irene Namasinga.Magistrates from courts under the Circuit led by HW Julius Borore, the Deputy Registrar (Masaka) and HW Nvanungi Sylvia (Chief Magistrate Masaka) and HW Twakyire Samuel (Mbarara) also participated in the camp.
Other dignitaries in attendance included Mr Ahmed Katerega, Tumwesigye (Masaka Deputy Regional City Commissioner), Didas Tabaro (Mbarara LC V Chairperson) and members of the Regional Chain Linked Committees.
Posted 1st, April 2022